Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Season 5 Episode 2 | Elijah: Confrontations | 1 Kings 18
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Season 5 begins with a six episode block of conversation about Elijah and Elisha. In episode 2, Neil and Fiona are joined by Elaine Duncan, Chief Executive of the Scottish Bible Society.
After an opening question about mountain top pressure, conversation turns to 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts firstly the king's servant Obadiah, then King Ahab and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Glover's Others brings another little known Bible character to our attention.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart with Neil Glover and Elaine Duncan. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
Link to 1 Kings 18.
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
Next time we will be talking about 1 Kings 19.
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Season 5 Episode 1 | Elijah: Bursting Onto The Scene | 1 Kings 17
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Season 5 begins with a six episode block of conversation about Elijah and Elisha. In episode 1, Neil and Fiona are joined by Elaine Duncan, Chief Executive of the Scottish Bible Society.
The episode begins with some introductions. Elaine explains about her role within SBS and the United Bible Societies, and shares what keeps her awake at night. Conversation then turns to 1 Kings 17 and the sudden arrival on the scene of the prophet Elijah. There's a new segment - Glover's Others - where Neil shares an insight into the life of a little known Bible character.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart with Neil Glover and Elaine Duncan. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
Link to 1 Kings 17.
The Fifth Mountain (Paolo Coelho)
After (Bruce Greyson)
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
Next time we will be talking about 1 Kings 18.
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Season 4 Episode 23 | Light and Life | End of Year Reflections
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
This final episode of 2022 is a review of the year, with all three presenters discussing what they have learned form a year in John's gospel plus there's a preview of what's to come in 2023 on The Outspoken Bible.
The final Glover's Off of the year is about a very specific Belfast shop, and is a hymn of praise to geekery. Jen's Gem is on indoor snowball fights and in-person intergenerational meet-ups.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
Next time we will be launching into our series on Elijah, beginning in 1 Kings 17.
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Season 4 Episode 22 | Light and Life | John 21
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
Glover's Off is about how an encounter with a national treasure leads to a thought about good news. Meanwhile, Jen's Gem is on the importance of preparation.
In this episode, discussion reaches John 21, a chapter where a familiar voice echoing over the morning waters calls plenty from scarcity, faith from uncertainty, forgiveness from denial and a new beginning from the end.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
Factfulness (Hans Rosling)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
Next time we will be reflecting on a year of reading our way through John's gospel, and talking about what lies ahead in 2023 for Outspoken. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Season 4 Episode 21 | Light and Life | John 20
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
Glover's Off is different this week as Neil poses a question to Jen and Fiona about how we maintain our desire to read the Bible when we find it difficult. Meanwhile, Jen's Gem is on the importance of creating an environment where doubt is allowed.
In this episode, discussion reaches John 20, a chapter which begins early on the darkest of mornings with an unsettling discovery, and ends with a Spirit-filled breath of life.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 21. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Season 4 Episode 20 | Light and Life | John 19
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
Glover's Off is on the romance and delight of a Scottish ferry journey and Jen's Gem is a new book recommendation on the topic of preaching in an all-age environment. Meanwhile, as the discussion reaches John 19, there is conversation about the meaning of the cross, the brutality of Jesus' death and the identity and role of the other people in the chapter. John 19 is a chapter where the King of the Jews is crowned with thorns and nailed to a tree and, with a final breath pushed through parched lips, declares it is finished.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
A Gospel For All Ages (David M Csinos)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 20. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Season 4 Episode 19 | Light and Life | John 18
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
Jen is back from Bolivia with tales to share, Glover's Off is about escapology and there's a Gem about making sure our relationships with young people grow with them.
The main subject for discussion is John 18, a chapter in which Light and Life is threatened by fearful lies, brutal power-play and pragmatic cynicism as darkness and death encroach.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
The 21 Escapes of Alastair Cram (David M Guss)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 19. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Season 4 Episode 18 | Light and Life | John 17
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Gill for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
With Jen still away in Bolivia, Gill once again joins Fiona and Neil to discuss John 17, a chapter where the glory of Fatherly intimacy and eternal transcendence, the past, the future, the here and now, and the eternity that contains it all come into focus. Glover's Off is about bridges, and proves more linked to the content of the conversation than anticipated, and Gill's jewel is on the usefulness discerning the sort of sacred pathway you enjoy.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Sacred Pathways (Gary Thomas)
Stories of Light and Life (SBS)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 18. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Season 4 Episode 17 | Light and Life | John 16
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Gill for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
After an introduction to Gill, Glover's Off is about the late Queen and the main discussion is on John 16, a chapter full of plain speaking, figurative illustration and prophetic anticipation. With no Jen to give us a gem, Gill has a jewel, about the power of story, and the role of older people in the lives of younger people.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Dead Horse (Andy Squyres)
Bittersweet (Susan Cain)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 17. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Season 4 Episode 16 | Light and Life | John 15
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Join Fiona, Neil and Jen for the fourth season of The Outspoken Bible as they talk their way through the gospel of John in pursuit of old truths and fresh insights.
This episode, which was recorded prior to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II, patron of Scottish Bible Society, leads in into the next Chapter of John's gospel. Jen is preparing for her epic voyage to South America and Neil has been on holiday. Meanwhile, Fiona's been loafing around looking for someone to take Jen's place during September. Glover's Off is Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. Jen's Gem is on the significance of having a tissue and listening to bullied teenagers. The main discussion is on John 15, a chapter which, like a vintage bottle of wine, is packed full of fruit, has complex notes and provokes deep conversation about love, hate and friendship.
This episode was engineered and edited by Aimee Higgins.
Show Notes
The Outspoken Bible is hosted by Fiona Stewart, Neil Glover and Jen Robertson. Each episode consists of a main section where the three contributors discuss a Bible passage, a 'Glover's Off' section where Neil shares something that is giving him pause for thought in parish ministry, and a 'Jen's Gem' where Jen shares a helpful application or resource for anyone working in youth and family ministry. All opinions are those of the individual contributors and don't necessarily reflect the view of the Scottish Bible Society as an organisation.
John For Everyone Part 2 (Tom Wright)
Light and Life resources
Get in touch here or by emailing outspoken@scottishbiblesociety.org.
If you're reading along with us, then next time we'll be talking about John 16. You can order copies of Light and Life from Scottish Bible Society.